Monday, June 24, 2024

І$†øр¡я Укрλїη$ьκøгø Вічхλμ$μ: Віδ Ηλрøджеηηя дø Віδрøджеηηя (Ukrainian only)

Вічхаус – це більше, ніж просто музика. Це ритуал, що пробуджує найглибші і найтемніші куточки нашої свідомості. Українська сцена вічхаусу зародилася дуже давно, підтримана українським вічхаус лейблом "УВХР". Саме цей лейбл став колискою для багатьох талановитих артистів, що подарували нам моторошні і незабутні звуки.

Проте, як і всі магічні явища, вічхаус переживав свої злети та падіння. У 2019 році українська сцена вічхаусу здавалася мертвою, але, як фенікс із попелу, вона отримала нове дихання завдяки львівському вічрейву Øbscura. Ця подія вдихнула життя у жанр, тримаючи його на плаву до 2021 року.

У 2022 році український вічхаус зробив останній подих на найвідомішому вічхаус лейблі Untitled Burial, коли Асмодай випустив свій останній альбом RITE у колаборації з вокалісткою SIVERNOT. Цей альбом став прощальним словом, але водночас і символом нескінченного циклу життя і смерті, який вічхаус несе у собі.

Але вічхаус в Україні був, є і буде завжди. Навіть під час війни, в столиці час від часу проходять вічрейви, гроші з яких йдуть на допомогу українським військам. Вічхаус міг би й зараз часто лунати в наших клубах, але війна все змінила. Більшість лейблів вже закриті, але надія залишається, і після війни я вірю, що вічхаус повернеться з новою силою у клуби наших міст.

Серед визначних моментів української вічхаус історії варто згадати 2016 рік, коли до нас завітали Crystal Castles зі своїм останнім альбомом Amnesty і III – бестселерами вічхаусу. Вони виступили під Львовом на найпопулярнішому українському Open-Air фестивалі Zaxidfest 2016, залишивши незабутній слід у серцях фанатів. Відео можна подивитись тут.

Український вічхаус – це не просто музика, це магічний ритуал, це дух, що продовжує жити попри всі труднощі. Він існував, існує і буде існувати, пробуджуючи найтемніші і найглибші куточки нашої свідомості. Підтримайте цей жанр, бо кожен внесок, кожне прослуховування – це частина магічного обряду, що тримає цей дух живим.

А зараз я всіх запрошую на Иigh†shadэ Tøur, де ми разом пробудимо дух вічхаусу!

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Øη€ ¥ελя §†øя¥

Last Sunday marked a significant milestone in my life - it has officially been one year since I embarked on my musical journey. A journey filled with twists, turns, and enchanting discoveries that have shaped me as an artist.

I've poured my heart and soul into this endeavor, and I'm thrilled to share my story with you. From the very beginning, I've chronicled every step of this odyssey, delving deep into the realms of creativity and self-discovery. My journey has been a tapestry of emotions - from the exhilarating highs of creative breakthroughs to the introspective moments of self-doubt.

As a testament to this monumental occasion, I've penned down my journey in a heartfelt article, now available for your perusal on While the article has been accessible since last Monday, the whirlwind of activity kept me from making a formal announcement until now.

I encourage you to dive into the depths of my musical saga and discover the essence of my artistry. Let us embark on this journey together, where every note is a whisper from the heart and every melody a glimpse into the soul.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey.  Remember, this is just the beginning. Together, we'll create a legacy, and those who stand with me today will become legends of tomorrow.

Read here:

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Ẅђλ† Щ¡†¢ђ-Ħøμ$ε яελ££¥ ¡$ ληd Ħøω ¡† λρρελяε∂

Dive deeper into the murky abyss of Witch House, where the tendrils of occultism intertwine with the echoes of experimental electronic music. As a music producer and a disc jockey within this enigmatic realm, my journey echoes the very genesis of this genre, weaving a tapestry of haunting melodies and ethereal soundscapes.

The origins of Witch House lie within a select cadre of pioneering artists who dared to explore the fringes of sonic experimentation around 2008-2009. This emergence was not just a musical evolution but a cultural rebellion against the norms, a sinister dance with the occult. It wasn't about just the beats or the synth—it was an immersive plunge into a hauntingly beautiful, otherworldly experience that defied categorization.

At the heart of Witch House lies its sonic fingerprint—crafted with trap rhythms, mystic motifs, analog synthesizers, and a distinct lo-fi texture. But it’s more than just auditory; it's a sensory journey, an exploration of dissonance, and an embrace of the uncomfortable. It's about broken rhythms, disorienting beats that shatter expectations and immerse the listener in a disconcerting yet magnetic ambiance.

The genre’s allure extends beyond the music. It’s a visual and thematic spectacle, often cloaked in occult symbolism, veiled pseudonyms adorned with cryptic characters—an artistic expression that refuses to conform. Each artist’s persona, draped in the mystique of unconventional symbols, became an integral part of the occult charm, reflecting a commitment to deviate from the norm.

Witch House, despite its initial surge, faced critique as a fleeting trend. Critics pointed to its perceived stagnation and the unpalatable nature of its sonic palette—noises deliberately disturbing, defying conventional standards, yet constituting a genre-defining trait.

However, hidden within the somber melodies and the cryptic imagery is a deeper narrative—an exploration of the esoteric, a commentary on societal norms, and a rebellion against the sterile mainstream. It's a counter-narrative, an unsettling beauty that confronts the banality of modernity.

As a producer entrenched in this haunting auditory odyssey, my compositions echo the essence of this genre—a reflection of the shadows cast by the unseen, a symphony that resonates with the enigmatic allure of the occult. Within the labyrinthine corridors of Witch House, I find myself entwined, composing melodies that echo the sinister beauty hidden within its depths.

Read also on my blog: Щ¡†¢ђ-Ħøμ$ε λя¢ђ¡vε$ £¡ηκ$

Щ¡†¢ђ-Ħøμ$ε λя¢ђ¡vε$ £¡ηκ$

 ▼▲ Origins and Influences ▼▲

▼▲ The Genesis of Witch House Music ▼▲

  • Experimental artists like Indu Mezu (2004-2005) in the lobit genre, creating eerie, lo-fi industrial beats.
  • Antonio Urdiales' visual compositions (2005) defined the imagery associated with WH.
  • Bands like Broadcast (2006), AIDS-3D (2007), and early releases from Salem and Modern Witch (2008), cemented the core sound.
  • Pictureplane’s coined term “witch house” in 2009, marking the genre's emergence.

▼▲ Key Albums that Revolutionized Witch House ▼▲

Friday, February 2, 2024

μη₥λ$₭¡ηg ŁVÐ Řε¢øяδ$̧

In the dimly lit corners of the independent music scene, a sinister player emerges - LVD RECORDS. This shadowy entity has been shamelessly pilfering tracks, predominantly from the Witch House genre, and thrusting them onto commercial platforms under false authorship. The victims, including my close friends from the duo Ektropion, have had their music commandeered, and worse, their rightful earnings siphoned away. 

The audacity doesn't end there; LVD RECORDS brazenly fabricates copyright claims, reaping profits while sullying the authenticity of creators' work. The heist extends beyond the realms of morality, as they've even dared to publish tracks with illegal Crystal Castles samples, violating a trifecta of copyright laws. It's an egregious offense against the hardworking artists who pour their souls into their craft, only to see it plundered and repackaged under another's name. 

Let's shine a spotlight on this malevolent act – a rallying cry to stand against creative theft in the independent music community. Share this cautionary tale, for every stolen note is a blow to the artistic spirit. Let's unveil the masked culprits and restore justice to the soundscape they've marred.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

$μρρøґ† †ђε †яλ¡£b£λzεя ø₣ µкяλ¡η¡λη Щ¡†¢ђ-Ħøμ$ε

Source here
In the Ukrainian music scene, λ₴MѺÐ∆I isn’t just a musician but also one of the trailblazers of Ukrainian Witch-House music. Today, he stands as a defender of our country, paying a heavy price for Ukraine's defense. After Russia's brutal aggression, he underwent a severe surgery for stomach and intestinal ulcers and now needs your help for rehabilitation.
Your donation to his PayPal - - isn’t just financial support. It’s a chance to save not only the musician's life but also his creativity – the sounds he has crafted and shared with all of us. Our friend, the creator of unique sounds, needs your assistance to make music again, underground music we all value.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

M∆N⸸K ₣ελ†μяε∂ øη Ν¡κøρø£ Ŧødλ¥

 Greetings, dark souls! Exciting news from the shadows! An otherworldly article has materialized about my journey in the realm of dark music on the Ukrainian news blog, Nikopol Today. Dive into the mystique and explore the echoes of my sonic sorcery in the article (available only in Ukrainian) through this cryptic portal ⨻⨻⨻

Friday, November 10, 2023

Ðε£vε ¡η†ø †ђε $ђλδøщ$: $ђλяε ¥øμя †ђøμgђ†$ øη ₥¥ ₥μ$¡¢

Greetings, seekers of the unknown. Your voice is a beacon in the darkness, guiding my artistic path. This form, shrouded in anonymity, invites you to share your thoughts on my music.

Your input is my source of inspiration. Whether you prefer the final product or seek a glimpse into the creative process, your insights are invaluable. Choose your path through this enigmatic journey.

This form is for your thoughts, your wishes, and your dreams. It's your chance to shape the shadows, to become a part of the mystical world I craft. 

Monday, October 30, 2023

§λ₥ђλ¡η С$¢øμη† 2023

From October 30th to November 1st, immerse yourself in the dark and enigmatic world of Underground Witch-House music with a haunting 45% discount on my entire digital discography. Dive into the occult, explore ethereal soundscapes, and experience the magic of my unique music. 

Bandcamp, Gumroad, and Artcore – all under the spell of Samhain. Don't miss this otherworldly opportunity. Unveil the mysteries of sound. 

Secret discount code: Samhain2023

Saturday, October 21, 2023

₥¥ ₥μ$¡¢ øη Ħø†Щλж Řλ∂¡ø

Dark and enigmatic electronic beats are making their way to HotWax Radio! I'm thrilled to announce that my track "Hextronic" will be featured on the "Technotronica House" program. Tune in every Saturday and Sunday from Midnight to 8 am Eastern (US time) to catch my music.

Let's spread the word and make this musical journey even more thrilling. Stay tuned for more of my music on HotWax Radio. Your support means the world to me.

Listen Online Here